Bye! Calorie

Eating health has become one of the most important issues nowadays. In addition, how to calculate the calories of food is now a necessity if one wants to keep a good eating habit. Consuming too much calories without proper ways to burn them will mostly result in overweight and other diseases that associated with it. Let’s learn more about the food we eat daily and calculate the calories intake to examine if we are eating healthy!

Product Features:
*More than 1,000 food and 24 categories that includes ordinary grocery like, starch products, milk products, meat products, fruits, and beverage, etc as well as the most popular food or beverage chain stores such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Burger King, etc.
*Diet Plan: Set up your targeted weight and get the appropriate time frame to achieve your goal. You can also make your own diet schedule and the suggested calories intake will be adjusted automatically. It will also remind you of the days left til your goal and the difference between your real weight to targeted weight.
*Search engine: finding food fast and easy
*BMI calculation
*Everyday calories intake suggestion according to your BMI
*Basic exercise calories burning chart
*Set up your own exercise burning chart
*Historical record: records everyday/every week’s calories intake, real weight, targeted weight, and calories intake suggestion
*Add your own food and calories
*Save your favorite food for the convenience to record them more easily
*Every calories information and cumulative calories intake will be shown to examine your data effortlessly!






* 增加全文檢索功能,尋找食品更快速方便

* 增加小數點功能,更精細管理體重與熱量攝取



食品資料庫增加19個大項,包含:台港甜品,熱門中餐,日本料理,麵攤小吃,精緻素食,西式餐點,台灣家常,河南菜,東北菜,江蘇菜,上海菜,湖北菜,湖南菜,山東菜,福州菜,北京菜,浙江菜,廣東菜,四川菜 等包羅萬象,總計新增超過1159項食品。

* 新增收藏功能,可將您常常食用的食品儲存成單獨ㄧ項,快速查找您想找的食品


*支援 iPad版大畫面顯示,可直橫顯示。圖表立即顯示,管理更清楚方便


1. 每日建議消耗熱量,依據您的BMI值自動設定
2. 每日建議消耗熱量也會在圖表裡標示,以方便管理
3. 每日消耗熱量紀錄增加扣除運動熱量加總,管理更精確
4. 增加自定食品功能,自行輸入熱量,項目數量無限制
5. 增加減重小顧問資料
6. 目標體重也標示在圖表裡,方便管理
7. 個人資料自動記憶功能,不必每次重新輸入

v2.0 大改版


1. 歷史紀錄 :紀錄每日/每週 卡路里攝取以及體重,條狀圖讓您更方便管理飲食
2. 減重計算: 可輸入目標體重,取得最健康的減重時程目標
3. 瘦身須知: 提供簡要的減重備忘錄,讓您擁有正確的瘦身知識
4. 食品圖樣: 此版新增蔬菜與藻類的圖樣,增加對食品的瞭解
5. 速食熱量: 新增麥當勞與肯德基食品熱量表
6. BMI指數: 個人資料新增BMI指數提供




